HONG KONG ECONOMIC AND TRADE OFFICE IN GUANGDONG 駐粵辦 (GDETO) · Free Legal Advisory Service in the Mainland 內地免費法律諮詢服務 GDETO provides free legal advisory service for Hong Kong residents in the Mainland. This service will provide preliminary legal advice for the Hong Kong residents but will not follow up or appoint a lawyer to deal with individual cases. In the period of April 2017 – March 2018, the service is carried out by the “HKFTU Mainland Consultation Services Centre 香港工會聯合會內地諮詢服務中心” with service centre located in 4 cities in the Mainland namely Guangzhou (廣州), Shenzhen (深圳), Dongguan (東莞) and Zhongshan (中山). Interested Members may download the following leaflet for the service hotline & other details.