Useful Links 網站連結 (see below for more other useful links) - Maximum Level(s) of CFS that is(are) Levied by Individual Airlines for Flights Originating from Hong Kong | 空運燃油附加費總表 as of 21 March 2025 [Download Here - Members Only]
香港政府公布《現代物流發展行動綱領》“Action Plan on Modern
Logistics Development” 31 Oct 2023
Hong Kong International Airport - The e-commerce fulfilment hub in Asia
Hong Kong International Airport - World's Busiest Cargo Airport 香港國際機場 — 全球最繁忙貨運機場
Promotional video on Hong
Kong’s logistics industry produced by InvestHK
Press Release: Hong Kong Sends its Biggest Welcome to the World: "Hello Hong Kong" Launched Today with 500,000 Free Air Tickets and City-Wide Offers

Hong Kong Productivity Council 香港生產力促進局 (HKPC) "SME ReachOut” 「中小企資援組」 
A dedicated service team namely “SME ReachOut” run by HKPC has commenced operation starting 1 January 2020 to support SMEs. The team proactively reaches SMEs to promote government funding schemes through a wide range of seminars, outreach activities and exhibitions. They provide specific advisory support to local SMEs and help them to identify applicable schemes to their business and guide them throughout the funding application process, on over 40 funding schemes provided by the Goverment, which include below popular funding schemes. - Dedicated Fund on
Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (BUD Fund),
- Export Marketing
Fund (EMF),
- Technology Voucher
Programme (TVP) and
- Enterprise Support
Scheme (ESS).
Apart from the government
funding schemes, a NEW
enhanced service on “TECH Buddy Meeting” is launched with
the aim of assisting SMEs empowering their business capability building for
strategic development and sustainability. The service scope includes ESG,
Digitalisation, Cyber Security, Smart Manufacturing, AI & Robotics,
Intellectual Property, and more! Please
join here
for FREE!
For details, please click [website] [Government Funding Schemes at a glance]. "Flashmob Funding Q&A Station" 「快閃」流動車廂 | 生產力局 SME ReachOut「中小企資援組」 全力協助中小企
Enquiry: Just in case Members have questions about running business or technical transformation related enquiry, please also feel free to call/whatsapp HKPC at the above 2in1 Hotline: 2788 6868. HKPC will facilitate you to the right contacts for learning more on the suitable solutions.
Cargo Accounts Settlement System (CASS)
HAFFA Form of Trading Conditions and Logistics Services Agreement 香港貨運物流業協會經營條款及物流服務合同樣本 - Please contact the HAFFA secretariat if you would like to obtain a copy of HAFFA Form of Trading Conditions (December 2008 - Template Only) and / or HAFFA Form of Logistics Services Agreement (March 2013 - Template Only).
CIFA and CMAC Released Freight Forwarding Model Agreement on 26 April 2016 中國國際貨運代理協會與中國海事仲裁委員會共同制定《貨運代理協議示範條款》
HONG KONG MARITIME AND PORT BOARD 香港海運港口局 (HKMPB) · Maritime Directory 海事指南 To promote the diversity of Hong Kong’s maritime services and facilitate access to our maritime community, HKMPB makes a maritime directory available to the public, containing information of relevant companies and organisations. Listing on the maritime directory is voluntary and free of charge for all maritime-and-port-related companies and organisations which have office(s) in Hong Kong. As a member of maritime-related company, you may consider submitting your company’s information to HKMPB [submission form].
ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION 亞太區經濟合作組織 (APEC) · APEC Services Trade Access Requirements (STAR) Database · A business-friendly, on-line tool to help services providers take advantage of new export opportunities in the 21 APEC member economies The APEC Services Trade Access Requirements (STAR) Database provides an easy-to-use one-stop route to identify whether and how a company can compete in every one of the 21 APEC member economies. It helps to identify the requirements to trade with and invest in other APEC economies The STAR Database covers eight services sectors including distribution services and transport and logistics services. Users can quickly discover at ease the licences needed, tax rules, visa requirements, foreign exchange issues, incorporation requirements – and the restrictions that might be in place. To access the STAR Database, please click into the following hyperlink:
Useful Telephone Number 常用查詢電話 - Emergency contacts in case there is any DG incident/accident happened during road transport within the Airport Area
- 1) Fire Services Department
Airport Fire Contingent Division Commander 'Air'(Senior Divisional Officer) - Tel: 21835333 Rescue Control - Tel: 21839576 CLK Fire Station - Tel: 29499081
2) Airport Operations Control Centre - Tel: 21818110
- Report suspected smuggling activities 舉報懷疑走私活動
Other Useful Links 其他網站連結
How to establish a Freight Forwarding Company in Hong Kong?
How to start a branch In order to operate a business in Hong Kong, no matter whether it is a Freight Forwarding Company or other nature of business, the operator shall apply to the Government for licences such as Business Registration and Certificate of Incorporation. However, it is not essential to get affiliation with any government or semi-government authority. If you wish to start a new business, the government staff as suggested below could help you find out which licences you need, including permits, certificates, approvals and many more. You may visit the following websites to get more information: i) HK Business Licence Information Centre or for more information on various services available to the small and medium enterprises. ii) Business & Trade User Group of GovHK for government information and services in relation to business and trade. iii) InvestHK for investment information and support of establishing your new lives in Hong Kong.
How to read traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese pdf files?
Some files are Portable Document Format (.pdf) files in either traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese format.
If you cannot open the traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese .pdf files, please go to Adobe's website to download the respective Asian Font Packs (Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese):
After downloading the font pack, you have to install onto your PC by double click on the downloaded file.
For viewing pdf files in simplified Chinese format, your Internet browser should have simplified Chinese support installed.
Internet browser requirement: - Netscape: Netscape 6.0 or above - Microsoft Internet Explorer: version 5.5 or above with simplified Chinese display support