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   Updated: 14 Nov 2024


Vocational Training Programme for the Freight Logistics Sector (VTP) 貨運物流業職業訓練課程

Airfreight Module 1 and Module 2 (NEW FORMAT)
(Recognized by IATA for accreditation and renewal purposes under its cargo agency program and HAFFA Membership Application) 


Organizer /
Registration /

Hongkong Association of Freight Forwarding And Logistics Limited (HAFFA) 
Address: 8/F, China HK Ctr, 122-126 Canton Rd,
Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN
Telephone: 2796 3121; email: training@haffa.com.hk

Target Audience

  • Newcomer and current Operational / Customer Service / Sales / Frontline staff in the Airfreight Industry.

  • IATA agent accreditation & renewal.


  • Principle Characteristics of Air Logistics
  • Airfreight Equipment and Airport Services Provider (CTO/RHO)
  • Trading Process related to Airfreight Operations
  • E-commerce
  • Airfreight Procedures and Document
  • Rate Application
  • Cargo Damage and Claims
  • Introduction of DG and Cargo Security
  • Special Cargo (Build-up and Storage)
  • Consolidation and Equalization
  • Export Operations
  • Import
  • Transshipment

Medium of Instruction

Conduct in Cantonese with English course materials


Test at the end of the course

Venue / Region



HAFFA Member




HAFFA Conference Room / TST

5 days

Original Price

$5,900/ $5,300 (Early Bird Price until 12 May 2025)

$6,000/ $5,400 (Early Bird Price until 12 May 2025)

Click here


MATF Subsidy#
(Application only by individuals)

Up to $4,720/ $4,240 (Early Bird Price)

(After Subsidy -
Least Amount: $1,180/$1,060)

Up to $4,800/ $4,320 (Early Bird Price)

(After Subsidy -
Least Amount: $1,200/$1,080)


 #For details: 

VTP Airfreight Module 1 and Module 2 training is recognized by IATA for accreditation and renewal purposes under its cargo agency program

Good News! We are delighted to announce that IATA has officially recognized VTP Airfreight Module 1 and Module 2 training for accreditation and renewal purposes under its cargo agency program. That said, student can present the certificate of VTP Airfreight M1+M2 to IATA as one of the required training certificates for IATA Cargo Agent's accreditation or renewal.




Class Code

Class Date

Enrollment Deadline



12 - 13, 16 - 18 Jun 2025

29 May 2025 (Thu)


[Fill in HAFFA VTP Training Program Online Enrolment Form]

Status will be shown either in one of the following code: "Available", "Full", "Closed", "Not Open for Registration" or "Cancelled".



Enrollment Policies

1.     Kindly complete the enrolment form and send in together with cheque payment made payable to "HAFFA" (please write down your name and course code on the back of the cheque).

2.     Application will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis upon receipt of payment before lesson; seats can be reserved via sending completed enrolment forms via e-mail (training@haffa.com.hk) and fax.

3.     Payment can be cash, company cheque or personal cheque.

4.     For payment in cash, hand-written receipt can be issued upon request. If not, official receipt will be enclosed with the certificate.

5.     Letter of Acceptance with course details will be sent out by EMAIL only either within 3 working days after the enrolment deadline, or once the course is full before the enrollment deadline.

6.     Notice of Pass will be sent via e-mail within 1 month when the participants successfully pass the course. Kindly collect the certificate with the e-mail notification and arrange to pick up the certificate within 3 months.

7.     Kindly note that HAFFA will not keep the certificate after 3 months of the date of notification. After such, the certificate will be declared void for security reasons without notification in advance. For any request that requires re-issue certificate service, HAFFA will impose a service charge of HK$300.- upon the request. For details and procedure, please contact HAFFA Secretariat directly. 

Cancellations/Amendment/Change of Class/Refunds

8.    Amendment (except Change of Class and Cancellation) can be made only one (1) time FREE-of charge on the application when the Acceptance Letter is issued. After that, an administration fee of HK$100.- will be charged for each amendment/cancellation. No guarantee on amendments could be made within 2 working days before the start of the course.

9.    Change of Classes received, after application deadline and prior to the commencement of the course, is required to provide also a written explanation to HAFFA for approval. HAFFA may in its sole discretion and without assigning any reason for its decision approve or reserve a seat for the enrollee in future course subject to the availability of seat or refuse any such application. An administration fee of HK$300.- be charged for each request. No guarantee on change of class could be made within 2 working days before the start of the course.

10.    After the commencement of the course, no refund will be given.

11.    No Cancellation can be made on the application when the Acceptance Letter is issued. No refund will be given in this case.


12.   The date & time of receipt of the application by the HAFFA Secretariat will be taken as the official date & time of application.

13.    Application is subject to HAFFA's approval. HAFFA reserves the right to reject any application in any circumstances and for whatever reasons.Submission of the enrollment form and cheque should NOT be construed as acceptance of admission.

14.    HAFFA reserves the right to cancel any of the classes if there is insufficient enrolment or unforeseen difficulties arising from mounting the class(es).

15.    Kindly be advised that if you have to be absent from any session of the course, you must inform the HAFFA Secretariat at tel:27963121 and for attendance less than 80% may not be allowed to sit for the exam.

16.    HAFFA reserves the right to change the program contents, schedule, number of seats or venue at any time and without prior notice if it so deems necessary. Those who would be affected by cancellation will be entitled to a full refund or reserve a seat for the enrollee in future course.

17.    No training class will be held when the typhoon signal No.8 or above/Black Storm Warning/ "Extreme Condition" is hoisted. Classes will be postponed with further notice. (Kindly refer to our HAFFA website: Bad Weather - Class arrangement)


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